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At KBA, we specialise in Distressed Debt and Restructuring, with tried and tested tactics we tailor to you.


Private Placements

For many companies raising capital from traditional market based sources (like banks and bondholders) is simply not an option.  Therefore, access to non-traditional sources such as Hedge Funds, PE Funds, or Sovereign Wealth Funds is critical.

KBA brings over 30 years of participation in these markets and the ability to access this capital to any client.

Distress|Stressed Advisory

Financial stress has many possible outcomes.  KBA brings decades of experience across both developed and emerging markets to help achieve the optimal solution for a client.

Whether the need is to raise new capital, restructure existing facilities or some combination of the two, KBA brings a significant track record to the process.  Critical to this is knowledge of the needs of all the players.  Evidence of the success is the speed with which solutions crafted by KBA employees have been executed.

Creditor Related Advisory 

The key to achieving an optimal solution is understanding the needs of all parties at the table.  KBA brings 30 years of experience many perspectives to help craft solutions.

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